Please feel free to send in a pic of your patches / stickers on your gear, on your person, at work, at home, next to a cat, with a bird, on a jacket...
I would love to see where these things end up. ESPECIALLY looking at you, overseas orders! Let me know which name and location you want to be credited by, if so.
-Jane Bird

Matt - Las Vegas, Nevada

Erick - Florida

Lupis42 - Massachusetts

KT Fakelastname

Anonymous - Wisconsin

C. Boone - Novac, Mojave Wasteland

Lupis42 - Massachusetts

Gorbo - Mission Control Center, Houston Texas

JB - North Carolina

Chris - Pittsburgh

ProfDecoy - New Hampshire

ConcealedLiberal - DFW, Texas

ConcealedLiberal - DFW, Texas

Henno - Hamburg, Germany

Kevin - Arizona

Boochie - Indiana

Karl - Arizona

rtmthepenguin - Salmon 3 Gun, Idaho

Luci - Sweden

Jack - New Mexico

Ripley - Colorado

Hebigami - Georgia

Zaka - AZ


Jordan - Iowa

Spirit the Dog - Cincinnati OH

JB Robak

Kattaclysm - CQB Brutality

ConcealedLiberal - CQB Brutality

Photo Credit @Jasbug on Twitter

Anonymous Bruwutalist